Thursday, February 25, 2010

Aggrolicious Warlocks

Who knew that the Demonology spec could also draw aggro pretty fast with just one ability: Shadowbolt. (Let's not even mention Soulfire yet)

Here's a scenario:

Tank: "Ok let's do this!" They pull a group of mobs and I wait to attack the one they are targetting. Corruption, Immolate (If it's a High HP Mob), Shadow Bolt Spam until I see things proc left and right.

12k crit, nice. Threat 25%. 13k crit, nice. 55% threat "say what?", 11k crit, wow three in a row 85% threat, dots are ticking 90% threat *PAUSE*

There are two things I can do at this point.

1. Continue to attack because sometimes I am just too brain-dead or lazy to MOVE my mouse ALL the way over to my Soul Shatter button, or I am too lazy to stop pushing my buttons.

Result: 100% threat, mob is on me. Usually I am Decimating by now spamming Soulfire, it should be dead within 2 Soulfires. If it's a caster, I am good, if it's a melee type I can either: Soul Shatter NOW, or Go into Demonform and take some hits and use my Death Coil.

2. Soul Shatter. Only to regain threat on the next attack.

Result: 100% threat, mob is on me. Usually I am Decimating by now spamming Soulfire, it should be dead within 2 Soulfires. If it's a caster, I am good, if it's a melee type I can either: Soul Shatter is not an option so I go into Demonform and take some hits and use my Death Coil to self-heal.

Soulfire. I love this ability, it fires off a GIANT tumbling mass of brimstone surrounded by the Fires of Hell which goes "KAPOWBOOMKABOOM" when it lands on the mob every time it hits ..if you use your imagination!

You see, back in the Destruction days, the spell priority stayed the same and there weren't ANY procs or abilities to look out for, you'd just cast the SAME spells in the SAME manner from 100-0% regardless, if your threat went too high it was because of back to back crits or the tank got killed.

Now for Demonology, I only like to Metamorphasize during boss fights since....I am too lazy, trash die too fast, and I like to "save it" for role-play purposes to exaggerate the "now's the time mutha fu*kaaaaaaaas"...( T_T...)

Pulling aggro during THIS part of the fight is actually quite entertaining. I'd pop the Crit Trinket I found a while ago which increases crit by 900 then decays by 20% during Decimation and see those Soulfires have their fun. Sometimes I'm too lazy to pop the trinket since that button is too far away from my mouse to click.

If at this point of the battle everyone is thinking "Ok we got this, let's cool off a bit" the Demons are thinking "DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Aggro: 40% -- 65% -- 100% -- BOSS SMASH. Now we play the Luck Game, who dies first? I teleport back and continue Soulfire Spamming while the boss is running towards me...sometimes I die, sometimes the boss dies, all in fun and games!

Truny the Warlock


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