Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kluptomania is Moving!

Hello dear one or two readers who have stuck with me all these years! I was doing some blog revamping and through the power of internet research I've decided to migrate Kluptomania over to WordPress!

The fact that I had to use HTML code to get the link to the link above is reason enough to move.

I know, I should have done this when the blog was still young five years ago. I had considered this but thought "meh" I'll stick with this.

I think I'll leave blogspot open as I don't dare to shut this down just yet, unless there are some implications of having duplicate content...but we will see.

My plan is to figure out the basics of Wordpress this weekend to make Truny & Friends' new home a fancy as fuck place to be!

Truny the Migrated


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