So yesterday we decided that "we want to see what Chaos Bolt looked like up close", so Truny went and purchased this Dual Talent Specialization and pumped her points into her Destruction tree.
(And yes, with some careful camera manoeuvring standing in front of the dummies we created the new blog banner thingamajig, making it 5% more Warlocky)
Now who can say no to a Green Dragon Cero??
Off Truny goes to H AN, UK, and OK to test out her new toys thinking "those skirmishers and Dalrond or whatever his name is has no real aggro table anyways so I can at least let loose there."
And that was true. And of course, personal damage was great! (No more Felguard cleaves!)
Except for normal pulls: Immolate, ok good, Conflag..and it crits...oh crap 58% threat already, uh oh gotta use that Backdraft! Chaos Bolt, crap it crit! 65% threat, ok still good, let's Incinerate, 72% threat, uh oh, Immolate is ticking, 85% threat, oh crap its attacking me! Feign Death! Oh crap I don't have it here! *Instinctively send in demon to grab mob* OMG where's my Demon, OH YEAH, my Demon is my fuckin' IMP! Oh no Imp come back, you'll die! Soulshatter. Phew.
This is not good, a solution must be thought up before I actually get squished! (I felt real squishy without soul-link, and without my Felguard's intercept)
The thing is, how did everyone else manage to let loose and not pull all the aggro, and manage to blast out (comparable damage to me until I had to stand still and not do anything) way more damage? Then I thought of how Turby does his damage, a steady stream of consistent damage. Though he still sometimes grabs way too much aggro from Lock'N Load but he has traps and feign death and misdirect at the beginning of every pull. (I have Soul Shatter in the exact same place as Feign death but it is not as useful)
Odd. Well, Truny then decided to wait and let the tank assume more aggro on the next pull.
Three, four, five seconds the mobs are already half dead. Ok let's do this!
Immolate, Conflag, Chaos Bolt, WHAT it's attacking me again? Shadowburn. Mob Dead. Phew.
Ok that did not work. Not only did I not participate in removing 50% of the mob's HP, it still came after me. Was I targetting the tank's target? Yes. I usually click on it multiple times during a fight so I would switch to whatever the tank was killing. I could use Rain of Fire, but that's lazy (and apparently much stronger than in Demonology).
So on the third pull, Truny took her spell casting frenzy into moderation. Immolate, Conflag, Chaos Bolt, oh too high let's switch to another mob, repeat. The first mob should be about dead by now, Shadowburn. The second mob I attacked is now ready for another Incinerate, Conflag, etc etc etc.
Also, Destruction-builds will see WAY...WAAY more five-digit crits than in Demonlogy. In Demonlogy, it will be the occasional Shadowbolt, and of course Soulfire when the mobs are below 35% health. Shadowbolt will obviously give five-digit crits in Metmorphosis form.
In Destruction, you will see them almost back to back. As I have typed many times before: Immolate, Conflag 10k, Chaos Bolt 12k, Incinerate 11k, and by now either the mob is dead or wants you dead. And of course, you do not have to wait until the mob is at low HP, which I was quite used to expecting some pretty icons to pop up when the mobs were low in health..but...nope. Here the consistent damage vs burst damage is very apparent. By the time I could cast those three spells, in Demonology, it would have been about three Shadowbolts and my Felguard's hacking and slashing taking a much higher % of damage than my imp could ever hope to do.
After getting the hang of things, I found that Backdraft really catered to my impatient thoughts of "Shadowbolt won't cast fast enough", and it was quite fun burning things TO THE GROUND!
Truny Burning Things TO THE GROUND!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Truny the Warlock on Infernals and Hellfire: False Advertisement
For the past couple of weeks I have been getting the "Authenticating" bug where I could not log in to perform my evil warlocky deeds. "Well, I will just wait" I thought, "hey! let's rewatch the old cinematics!" As I rewatched these trailers, I realized we have been deceived about the Warlock class all long!
Original Cinematic:
Anyone remember this? If not, go see it now. Go watch The Burning Crusade one too.
Got it?
No? Fine, be lazy.
Well, in the first cinematic we get to see a really cool looking undead warlock with his *cough* INFERNAL minion! Wow! I did not even know that Infernals could roar! How come mine doesn't roar? Why does it just look like any other elemental....? And how did he get it up that cliff to fight the mage? Infernals only last for ONE MINUTE! Whatever, at least we still have the Felguard. No worries.
The Burning Crusade Cinematic:
Fast forward a bit, and hey look! our warlock friend is back and this time he is trudging through what seems to be a swamp being pursued by some nasty murlocs! What does he do? With a wave of his hand a swathe of flames flow from behind him engulfing the murlocs and burning down all the trees around him. He then proceeds to create another wave of fire in front of him. This spell MUST be Hellfire! It's friggin' beautiful!
What does our Hellfire do?
Well, Truny stands in place with one arm raised like she is effing calling down Captain Planet while an orange pulse of GAS radiates around her, which also damages her! WHAT THE HELL? Where is the pretty flame? THAT stuff is not fire! The warlock in the movie had slow moving REAL flames while we get....burning gas??
Oh well, this spell is still good for suicide or burning the little bugs/rats in Stratholme I guess...
Ok calm down. Let us just...rework this spell? That sounds good. Do not remove it, I mean...suicide is still good! There is so much potential for this!
Here we go:
Hellfire will be our last instant cast emergency get-away spell. It will be damageful enough to be worth casting when on the brink of certain death.
1) A wall of flame slowly flows from the Warlock's..finger? (I don't know about you but Truny casts with her palms...) dealing 666-767 fire damage per second for five seconds to all enemies within 15 yards. Each tick of damage is reduced by 15%, and the effect is also reduced by 20% for each 3 yards the enemy is from the Warlock. 20 second cooldown (since spamming it would be way too strong even with the diminishing damage) (Should there be a movement speed reduction? Would that be too strong?)
Jeez let me explain.
Ok, a slow wall of flame is instantly cast where you are facing. Ok. This wall should be of ample width (unlike Shadowflame of course). It moves slowly, and will continue to move for 15 yards. It actually LOOKS like flames (like in the cinematic dammit!). Say an enemy is 0-3 yards from you and gets hit by it. It will then take 666-767 damage, then 666-767 * 80%, then 666-767 * 60% and so on until the last tick for a total of five. Now say the enemy is 4-6 yards away, then the base damage is reduced by 20% so they take (off the top of my head) 530-612 on the first tick and so on. Hence it is more useful to cast this when the enemy is right up in your face which is quite fitting for a Warlock as we appreciate all things deathy. Also, the damage is applied to the distance the enemy is when it is initially hit. (So fat ass mobs don't get hit multiple times with stacking hellfire wall damage)
That was my practical example.
Now for the unpractical cool example.
2) A ring of flame swirls from the Warlock's feet radiationg out 25 yards dealing 1,254 - 1,466 fire damage. All enemies hit will be affected by the Hellfire debuff which makes all fire spells cast against it instant cast. The Warlock will receive 50% of the fire damage it does against mobs affected by the Hellfire debuff.
Yeah right.
Truny the Deceived
Original Cinematic:
Anyone remember this? If not, go see it now. Go watch The Burning Crusade one too.
Got it?
No? Fine, be lazy.
Well, in the first cinematic we get to see a really cool looking undead warlock with his *cough* INFERNAL minion! Wow! I did not even know that Infernals could roar! How come mine doesn't roar? Why does it just look like any other elemental....? And how did he get it up that cliff to fight the mage? Infernals only last for ONE MINUTE! Whatever, at least we still have the Felguard. No worries.
The Burning Crusade Cinematic:
Fast forward a bit, and hey look! our warlock friend is back and this time he is trudging through what seems to be a swamp being pursued by some nasty murlocs! What does he do? With a wave of his hand a swathe of flames flow from behind him engulfing the murlocs and burning down all the trees around him. He then proceeds to create another wave of fire in front of him. This spell MUST be Hellfire! It's friggin' beautiful!
What does our Hellfire do?
Well, Truny stands in place with one arm raised like she is effing calling down Captain Planet while an orange pulse of GAS radiates around her, which also damages her! WHAT THE HELL? Where is the pretty flame? THAT stuff is not fire! The warlock in the movie had slow moving REAL flames while we get....burning gas??
Oh well, this spell is still good for suicide or burning the little bugs/rats in Stratholme I guess...
Ok calm down. Let us just...rework this spell? That sounds good. Do not remove it, I mean...suicide is still good! There is so much potential for this!
Here we go:
Hellfire will be our last instant cast emergency get-away spell. It will be damageful enough to be worth casting when on the brink of certain death.
1) A wall of flame slowly flows from the Warlock's..finger? (I don't know about you but Truny casts with her palms...) dealing 666-767 fire damage per second for five seconds to all enemies within 15 yards. Each tick of damage is reduced by 15%, and the effect is also reduced by 20% for each 3 yards the enemy is from the Warlock. 20 second cooldown (since spamming it would be way too strong even with the diminishing damage) (Should there be a movement speed reduction? Would that be too strong?)
Jeez let me explain.
Ok, a slow wall of flame is instantly cast where you are facing. Ok. This wall should be of ample width (unlike Shadowflame of course). It moves slowly, and will continue to move for 15 yards. It actually LOOKS like flames (like in the cinematic dammit!). Say an enemy is 0-3 yards from you and gets hit by it. It will then take 666-767 damage, then 666-767 * 80%, then 666-767 * 60% and so on until the last tick for a total of five. Now say the enemy is 4-6 yards away, then the base damage is reduced by 20% so they take (off the top of my head) 530-612 on the first tick and so on. Hence it is more useful to cast this when the enemy is right up in your face which is quite fitting for a Warlock as we appreciate all things deathy. Also, the damage is applied to the distance the enemy is when it is initially hit. (So fat ass mobs don't get hit multiple times with stacking hellfire wall damage)
That was my practical example.
Now for the unpractical cool example.
2) A ring of flame swirls from the Warlock's feet radiationg out 25 yards dealing 1,254 - 1,466 fire damage. All enemies hit will be affected by the Hellfire debuff which makes all fire spells cast against it instant cast. The Warlock will receive 50% of the fire damage it does against mobs affected by the Hellfire debuff.
Yeah right.
Truny the Deceived
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Truny the Warlock - Resistance Fail
"I won't need it, I would be summoned to instances anyways"
Yeah right, most people wait around like asses waiting for summons and are YOU one of them? Thought not.
"Well, I get to enjoy the scenery them."
Uh huh, Icecrown is ALL blue. Done.
"Well, I am not in a rush really"
Yes you are! You need more money, you have to do these quests on two toons and there is only so much time for it!
"Well, Turby can do it, he can farm materials"
Ore prices have dropped making herb-selling a more viable option.
"But...I like having a fat purse!"
Screw your purse! This is WoW, you can ACTUALLY make it all back.
"True. Fuck it."
Having put off being a victim of the end-game money sink Truny realized it was inevitable and succumbed to her weakness, invariably becoming 280% cooler. (Also it sucks being the LAST person arriving for Chillmaw and arriving at Icecrown Citadel SIXTEEN DAYS after everyone has completed the quests) *Cough*
Turny (who is busy rejecting things in Dragonblight) is next in line for his 5,000 gold allowance.
Yeah right, most people wait around like asses waiting for summons and are YOU one of them? Thought not.
"Well, I get to enjoy the scenery them."
Uh huh, Icecrown is ALL blue. Done.
"Well, I am not in a rush really"
Yes you are! You need more money, you have to do these quests on two toons and there is only so much time for it!
"Well, Turby can do it, he can farm materials"
Ore prices have dropped making herb-selling a more viable option.
"But...I like having a fat purse!"
Screw your purse! This is WoW, you can ACTUALLY make it all back.
"True. Fuck it."
Having put off being a victim of the end-game money sink Truny realized it was inevitable and succumbed to her weakness, invariably becoming 280% cooler. (Also it sucks being the LAST person arriving for Chillmaw and arriving at Icecrown Citadel SIXTEEN DAYS after everyone has completed the quests) *Cough*
Turny (who is busy rejecting things in Dragonblight) is next in line for his 5,000 gold allowance.
Kansuke the Death Knight - Ridiculous Requests
On behalf of Kansuke our resident DK, I shall present my concession towards the Death Knight class and what should be implemented. Oh, I guess Klupty is a DK as well but he is completely content as a frosty knight.
1) Death Knights should wear plate. Oh wait they already do.
2) Death Knights need pets. Oh wait they already have pets.
3) Death Knights should have some passive healing. Oh wait...they already do.
4) Death Knights as a melee class should have some ranged abilities. Oh wait, they already do.
5) Those little blood worms should be little blood kittens as that would be very cute in a "you just got pwned by a kitteh" type of way.
6) Death Knights need to dual wield 2-handers. And a shield. And a wand.
7) Hungering Cold freezes all enemies within 30 yards AND summons Shiva from Final Fantasy and she does her sexy dance and *snaps* her finger as the frozen enemies explode doing 1,540-2,350 damage + 60% weapon damage. At level 80 this would crit for..what? 30k?
8) Death Knight diseases take on the properties of curses and are instant cast. Why?
The end.
1) Death Knights should wear plate. Oh wait they already do.
2) Death Knights need pets. Oh wait they already have pets.
3) Death Knights should have some passive healing. Oh wait...they already do.
4) Death Knights as a melee class should have some ranged abilities. Oh wait, they already do.
5) Those little blood worms should be little blood kittens as that would be very cute in a "you just got pwned by a kitteh" type of way.
6) Death Knights need to dual wield 2-handers. And a shield. And a wand.
7) Hungering Cold freezes all enemies within 30 yards AND summons Shiva from Final Fantasy and she does her sexy dance and *snaps* her finger as the frozen enemies explode doing 1,540-2,350 damage + 60% weapon damage. At level 80 this would crit for..what? 30k?
8) Death Knight diseases take on the properties of curses and are instant cast. Why?
The end.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Commentary on Dungeons - Part 1
Ahh, the instances of WoW. Places for us to adventure with with a group of friends (or idiots), to hone our skills, and *omg* socialize and communicate with others!
Do you have a favourite dungeon? Or hate one so badly for whatever reason?
Ok let's get started. Turby is now going attempt at giving his $0.02 for ALL of the 5-man dungeons in the damn game save for one (Acatraz /shakefist key), from the lowest level to the highest.
Ragefire Chasm
Who would have known? Underneath our peaceful home city is a fiery burning pit of evil fillled with troggs and demons? The first time Turby strayed into there as a level 15 Huntard his first thought was "holy fuck they have 800 HP!"
This dungeon however, is a great place to go practice the basic five-person composition, though at such low levels most of us do not have the tools to play their role effectively but then again..who cares? The pulls are a good size, and pats and random aggro are a go here!
Wailing Caverns
Who else fucking hates this place? I do. The caves and twists are sooo annoying! This is when we ask "if maps were implemented for Northrend dungeons, WHY NOT HERE??" The fact that you have to kill four dudes and triggering an event was pretty cool but this place is just a lot of walking! And why can't our druids turn into friggin' snakes??
The Deadmines
An awesome pirate ship and an NPC boss called Cookie? What more can you ask for?
Shadowfang Keep
My favourite dungeon of all time! I am not sure what it is about this place, but it just feels so...real. Maybe it is the integration of the outdoor court with the indoor halls and all the stairs and such that make it that good! It gives the level a real "3-D" feel..yes kind of weird in a 3-D game but unlike most instances that are just a giant sprawl of land, SFK is actually...dimensional. Perhaps it is the can't-escape-from-this-haunted-house feel, just the overall design of this instance that makes running it over and over and over and over again actually enjoyable. Or maybe because you can murder innocent horses.
Blackfathom Deeps
I had discovered this instance by accident at level 20 whatever. If it were not for some guard at the crossroads who told me to go to some post in Ashenvale that led me to another guard that told me to head towards the water on the west side, I would not have even thought that an instance would be located here. I remember how the nagas outside of the instance were chain-aggro pros. Who knew death-mermaids had such good vision?? One notable point within the dungeon was there is a part where we have to swim! I fuckin' hate swimming! It's slow! Turny was fine, he could turn into an ugly seal/walrus thing while Truny could Unending Breath herself. Turby on the other hand was...SLOW!
Stormwind Stockades
What the hell? I risk my life running through this confusing city to get to this dungeon and there is no loot at the end of the rainbow?! Whatever, free achievement. Hearthing.
Razorfen Kraul
It was here where Truny decided he would spend the rest of his days as a Resto Druid as it was near impossible to find a healer and he ended up healing in a feral spec (which worked fine at that level). Good loot, but nothing special.
Another one of those "oh crap this is one of those dungeon things isn't it" moments comes to mind. So Turby's engineering trainer (yes he was Eng for a bit) told him to sail over to Booty Bay and teleport to this amazing place full of gnomes and technology. "Sure, why not?" as I enter the teleporter and get killed by some crazy trogg. Hmm..the part where an entire wing of the instance aggros you randomly and you have to AOE like no tomorrow is always fun! The last boss fight felt pretty epic, perhaps due to the HUGE room that he sits in!
Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard
Not combining all four into one. I have one word for Graveyard: "What the f-, we're done?"
Razorfen Downs
More piggies and OMFG there's an awesome LICH as the end boss, again what more do you need?
Scarlet Monastery: Armory
A large courtyard full of mobs, and a long windy hall to the end boss packed with mobs. Free exp anyone? Herod's axe is also the only weapon in game that can make anyone who can wield an axe spin! (Is this still true?) You can also poke his butt when he jumps....
Scarlety Monastery: Cathedral
Have a lowbie friend that needs quick exp? This is the place to do it. Fast access to about a gazillion mobs makes for exp bars jumping three..four bars in one shot. The lady boss has THE MOST OP sleep spell in the game and the pally bubble that her friend does is again, super annoying!! The loot here is quite limited however so they can just rot for that.
Uldaman is fun. Yes, one can simply get lost in its twisted caverns for days but the amount of things you see in there is worth the time. Here we are introduced to golems and more dwarves, and some titan's daughter. Opening that door to summon her is so epic!
Ahh finally the trolls take the spotlight and ZF was a great way to show off how fun it is to kill trolls! The first time doing the stair event was quite daunting like "OMFG we're gonna die!", and also there's a freakin' GODZILLA in here!
The rest later!
Do you have a favourite dungeon? Or hate one so badly for whatever reason?
Ok let's get started. Turby is now going attempt at giving his $0.02 for ALL of the 5-man dungeons in the damn game save for one (Acatraz /shakefist key), from the lowest level to the highest.
Ragefire Chasm
Who would have known? Underneath our peaceful home city is a fiery burning pit of evil fillled with troggs and demons? The first time Turby strayed into there as a level 15 Huntard his first thought was "holy fuck they have 800 HP!"
This dungeon however, is a great place to go practice the basic five-person composition, though at such low levels most of us do not have the tools to play their role effectively but then again..who cares? The pulls are a good size, and pats and random aggro are a go here!
Wailing Caverns
Who else fucking hates this place? I do. The caves and twists are sooo annoying! This is when we ask "if maps were implemented for Northrend dungeons, WHY NOT HERE??" The fact that you have to kill four dudes and triggering an event was pretty cool but this place is just a lot of walking! And why can't our druids turn into friggin' snakes??
The Deadmines
An awesome pirate ship and an NPC boss called Cookie? What more can you ask for?
Shadowfang Keep
My favourite dungeon of all time! I am not sure what it is about this place, but it just feels so...real. Maybe it is the integration of the outdoor court with the indoor halls and all the stairs and such that make it that good! It gives the level a real "3-D" feel..yes kind of weird in a 3-D game but unlike most instances that are just a giant sprawl of land, SFK is actually...dimensional. Perhaps it is the can't-escape-from-this-haunted-house feel, just the overall design of this instance that makes running it over and over and over and over again actually enjoyable. Or maybe because you can murder innocent horses.
Blackfathom Deeps
I had discovered this instance by accident at level 20 whatever. If it were not for some guard at the crossroads who told me to go to some post in Ashenvale that led me to another guard that told me to head towards the water on the west side, I would not have even thought that an instance would be located here. I remember how the nagas outside of the instance were chain-aggro pros. Who knew death-mermaids had such good vision?? One notable point within the dungeon was there is a part where we have to swim! I fuckin' hate swimming! It's slow! Turny was fine, he could turn into an ugly seal/walrus thing while Truny could Unending Breath herself. Turby on the other hand was...SLOW!
Stormwind Stockades
What the hell? I risk my life running through this confusing city to get to this dungeon and there is no loot at the end of the rainbow?! Whatever, free achievement. Hearthing.
Razorfen Kraul
It was here where Truny decided he would spend the rest of his days as a Resto Druid as it was near impossible to find a healer and he ended up healing in a feral spec (which worked fine at that level). Good loot, but nothing special.
Another one of those "oh crap this is one of those dungeon things isn't it" moments comes to mind. So Turby's engineering trainer (yes he was Eng for a bit) told him to sail over to Booty Bay and teleport to this amazing place full of gnomes and technology. "Sure, why not?" as I enter the teleporter and get killed by some crazy trogg. Hmm..the part where an entire wing of the instance aggros you randomly and you have to AOE like no tomorrow is always fun! The last boss fight felt pretty epic, perhaps due to the HUGE room that he sits in!
Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard
Not combining all four into one. I have one word for Graveyard: "What the f-, we're done?"
Razorfen Downs
More piggies and OMFG there's an awesome LICH as the end boss, again what more do you need?
Scarlet Monastery: Armory
A large courtyard full of mobs, and a long windy hall to the end boss packed with mobs. Free exp anyone? Herod's axe is also the only weapon in game that can make anyone who can wield an axe spin! (Is this still true?) You can also poke his butt when he jumps....
Scarlety Monastery: Cathedral
Have a lowbie friend that needs quick exp? This is the place to do it. Fast access to about a gazillion mobs makes for exp bars jumping three..four bars in one shot. The lady boss has THE MOST OP sleep spell in the game and the pally bubble that her friend does is again, super annoying!! The loot here is quite limited however so they can just rot for that.
Uldaman is fun. Yes, one can simply get lost in its twisted caverns for days but the amount of things you see in there is worth the time. Here we are introduced to golems and more dwarves, and some titan's daughter. Opening that door to summon her is so epic!
Ahh finally the trolls take the spotlight and ZF was a great way to show off how fun it is to kill trolls! The first time doing the stair event was quite daunting like "OMFG we're gonna die!", and also there's a freakin' GODZILLA in here!
The rest later!
Turby the Hunter - Vault of Archavon Lottery
About to go to bed last night, Truny was chilling near the AH in Undercity selling some weeds and drugs when a "LFM VOA 25" popped up randomly.
"Hmm it is late, I can go tomorrow." I thought. "But I am feeling lucky"
"I'll dps!"
Truny gets the invite and it took a while to get together a full raid. As the 20th person joined I thought "Oh crap, am I on lockout?"
Push "O" to check Raid info. Yes, apparently Truny still had nine hours to reattempt the lotto. Having just turned 80 she had been there once with not so stellar meter results.
Whatever, so I whisper the raid leader that I would switch onto Turby and off we go. There were three other warlocks already so it was ok.
Our first few attempts were really close, with the boss down to about 100k when a storm guard went kaboom on one try. Most of us were about to call it on the last shot, but...this last time went very smoothly.
I still don't see it, but Turby's average damage is over 1,000 dps higher than Truny's (from the last time she was there). I guess pew pew is just that good over the slow and steady hits-like-a-truck shadowbolts (for now!). (Or maybe because Survival is to Destruction as Beast Mastery is to Demonology...considering respeccing Truny but I refuse to use fire!...)
So Emalon goes down and of course I am curious to see what dropped and "hey!" some pants!
We will see if Truny is so lucky today.
Turby with Ungemmed Pants
"Hmm it is late, I can go tomorrow." I thought. "But I am feeling lucky"
"I'll dps!"
Truny gets the invite and it took a while to get together a full raid. As the 20th person joined I thought "Oh crap, am I on lockout?"
Push "O" to check Raid info. Yes, apparently Truny still had nine hours to reattempt the lotto. Having just turned 80 she had been there once with not so stellar meter results.
Whatever, so I whisper the raid leader that I would switch onto Turby and off we go. There were three other warlocks already so it was ok.
Our first few attempts were really close, with the boss down to about 100k when a storm guard went kaboom on one try. Most of us were about to call it on the last shot, but...this last time went very smoothly.
I still don't see it, but Turby's average damage is over 1,000 dps higher than Truny's (from the last time she was there). I guess pew pew is just that good over the slow and steady hits-like-a-truck shadowbolts (for now!). (Or maybe because Survival is to Destruction as Beast Mastery is to Demonology...considering respeccing Truny but I refuse to use fire!...)
So Emalon goes down and of course I am curious to see what dropped and "hey!" some pants!
Very interesting! Turby already had these pants along with the matching gloves which granted the 5% Puppy damage bonus, which I found only really benefitted being in Beast Mastery mode while doing dailies or running people through dungeons.
So the two hunters roll, and Turby wins them (duh why else am I writing this?), and we head off to do Archavon.
No Warlock gear dropped last night, so that was a relief. And I know that at least two Warlocks are locked out for it haha!
By the end I was so tired I did not even put the new pants on to compare the changes or gem them or enhance them (why do people NOT enhance their gear? More on that later).We will see if Truny is so lucky today.
Turby with Ungemmed Pants
Monday, July 27, 2009
Scarlet Massacre

"I do not like the sound of that" Truny stated.
"I think we should check it out" donning his armor (which he carries in his backpack) Leshief hurried off west towards the Cathedral.
Members of the Scarlet Crusade were fanning out of the Cathedral, with a shock of fear on their faces.
"Turn back now Warlock, there is .. there is something evil in there!" one bowman warned as he limped by. The flesh had been torn off his right thigh by..something.
Reaching into her robes (yeah Truny does not use a backpack), Truny revealed a glowing amethyst orb and crushed it in her palm binding the bowman's soul.
"The least I can do is help you with your wound, however it will be through your death. Remember to click on the right button to come back to life ( >.> )"
In a swirl of shadow and flame, the bowman was consumed and just as quickly, stood back up on his feet, gestured a thanks and fled.
The air in the Cathedral was thick with the scent of blood, fear, and death. The ground was strewn with corpses of the Scarlet Crusade and tainted the same color as their crimson garments.
"Some backup here!" Leshief shouted from a room at the end of the hall.
"Oh sh-, Blagroon, go!" Truny commanded.
Truny ran after her Felguard as he dashed down the hall.
To be continued..
Truny the Warlock - Stabbity Stabs Your Butt!

Release your inner rogue! You know you want to, just do it!
Yeah Herod, straight up your butt with my infected blade!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Turby the Hunter - Ridiculous Demands
Oh god here we go again.
Turby, my hunter was my very first toon and essentially the reason I chose to be a hunter all boils down to this simple conversation:
"You should play WoW"
"Warcraft? Really? It looks weird"
"Yeah its fun man you'll see"
"Can I have a puppy?"
"My Shammy (what's a shammy?) can turn into a wolf...(why?)"
"No I don't want to BE a puppy I mean can I have one like..walk with me?"
"Oh, hunters (what's a hunter?) can tame wolves you should make a hunter!"
(Hmm wolves can have puppies!)
Now these are all demands based on a Beast Mastery perspective (Duh!)
1) Beast Masters are allowed to control THREE Devilsaurs at one time. Why? Because I have three in my stable (all named Puppy ><)
2) Hunters can wield maces and wands. We can equip every other freaking weapon in game why not just give them all to us? Also it adds two more categories of equipment for us to ninja.
3) Hunters can equip plate. Enough said.
4) So can our pets. Gilded-Moth of Death anyone?
5) Mend pet acts like Regrowth. Our solo-ing capabilities need to be EVEN better.
6) More bows please. Guns are noisy and I am not American. Also, the Troll Argent Tournament Gun makes no sense to be a gun, I thought our racial specialty was in bows?? Personal preference I guess, if I were to be a hunter in the wild I would be an old school hunter before the dawn of firearm technology.
7) If anyone over level 10 uses Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite (I forgot its name OMG) more than FIVE times in any given battle, their account is locked (In a 5-person dungeon or Raid I should say). This one is iffy, for roleplaying purposes I like to stab things with my weapon occasionally.
8) Kill Shot needs an animation revamp. I am serious. Turby was very excited upon receiving this awesome new killer skill at...72/74 (??) and went a long to kill some deer in Dragonblight. Pew pew pew oh look the icon becomes active!
Turby, my hunter was my very first toon and essentially the reason I chose to be a hunter all boils down to this simple conversation:
"You should play WoW"
"Warcraft? Really? It looks weird"
"Yeah its fun man you'll see"
"Can I have a puppy?"
"My Shammy (what's a shammy?) can turn into a wolf...(why?)"
"No I don't want to BE a puppy I mean can I have one like..walk with me?"
"Oh, hunters (what's a hunter?) can tame wolves you should make a hunter!"
(Hmm wolves can have puppies!)
Now these are all demands based on a Beast Mastery perspective (Duh!)
1) Beast Masters are allowed to control THREE Devilsaurs at one time. Why? Because I have three in my stable (all named Puppy ><)
2) Hunters can wield maces and wands. We can equip every other freaking weapon in game why not just give them all to us? Also it adds two more categories of equipment for us to ninja.
3) Hunters can equip plate. Enough said.
4) So can our pets. Gilded-Moth of Death anyone?
5) Mend pet acts like Regrowth. Our solo-ing capabilities need to be EVEN better.
6) More bows please. Guns are noisy and I am not American. Also, the Troll Argent Tournament Gun makes no sense to be a gun, I thought our racial specialty was in bows?? Personal preference I guess, if I were to be a hunter in the wild I would be an old school hunter before the dawn of firearm technology.
7) If anyone over level 10 uses Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite (I forgot its name OMG) more than FIVE times in any given battle, their account is locked (In a 5-person dungeon or Raid I should say). This one is iffy, for roleplaying purposes I like to stab things with my weapon occasionally.
8) Kill Shot needs an animation revamp. I am serious. Turby was very excited upon receiving this awesome new killer skill at...72/74 (??) and went a long to kill some deer in Dragonblight. Pew pew pew oh look the icon becomes active!
*Mob Dies*
"Wtf just happened?"
Ok whatever maybe I blinked let's watch carefully!
Pew pew pew pew *Click*!
*Watches this weird red flimsy batman's-projectile hit the deer*
" this weird red thing is THAT strong? Ok. Whatever"
It should really look like this:

Ok I'm done, back to the real stuff!
Turby the Hunter
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Turny the Restless Tree - Stolen Thunder
Now Turny was a very excited tree, all the experience and money and glory!! The glory of being the champion of this....small impoverished ogre village in the middle of nowhere!
As the final battle drew to a close, it was exciting stuff..Turny had planned to branch-smack the last few hit points off the boss and become the ultimate champion...however...
RUNE WEAPON is victorious?? Darn you DKs! Even your weapons are inconsiderate!!
Turny the Thunderless
Truny the Warlock - Ridiculous Demands
Truny is utterly content with her Warlocky ways as of current; as long as Truny can kill, good.
However, Truny does have some ridiculous demands that will probably never see the light of day.
1) Warlocks should wear plate armor. You give us tanking abilites in Demon form, it is obviously an -oh crap the entire party is in trouble let me tell all the mobs that "You are not prepared" and pop into my increased armor form and burn them up- mode while being able to...uh huh taunt them and cleave them. Also, there are ALREADY plate gear with caster stats..pallies don't need those duh!
2) Buffoon (my Felguard) and all Felguards should also get their own set of plate. Hello! It's a mini-warrior who can intercept! I can not recount the number of times when he saved our squishies by stunning those damned spiders in AN. It shall be a well deserved treat.
2a) Devilsaurs can wear plate. Completely unrelated but Turby the Hunter is making a ridiculous demand here that his Devilsaur Puppy can wear plate.
2b) Druids can wear plate. Only resto druids as I do not play as a bear. Sorry, selfish. We can share the pally gear!
3) Warlocks should dual-wield. Staves. Want us to not feel as frail as mages? Give us two freaking staves and we'll look like skiiers of deathbringing! Swords too, I like pretending to be a combat rogue. Pure RP demand.
4) Warlocks can summon multiple demons. Remember Hukku in Sunken Temple? (That is the right one right?). That troll is the GOD of Warlocks. I remember first fighting him as he summons...uh huh..THREE demons. HOLY F***! This troll instantly became my idol! So it will be overpowered, but the pet-management component would be THAT much more difficult.
5) Warlocks need more Shadow! Yes we know, I would prefer to have a bit more shadow-based spells. Yes rain of fire is really strong and cool but how about a shadow aoe? How about a spell like what Zalera from FFXII does? Though I would have to say incinerate is a really nice looking spell and is still on my castbar somewhere.
6) Warlocks want [Shadowbind]. What the hell is that? Well, hunters get wing clip (a skill that I wished my lowbie hunter had before getting her pet), Warlocks get [Shadowbind]. Ok what the hell is that? To prevent duplicating spells across multiple classes, what [Shadowbind] does is it tethers THE ROGUE (Ok, any class that gets too close) to the plane of shadow reducing their movement speed by 20% (yes just wait), but only allowing them to move within a 20 yard radius of where they are bound to (making Demonic Circle that much more useful).
7) Metamorphosis should be permanent. At level 90. Same with immolation aura. Never going to happen, would be thrilled if it did.
8) This can go on forever.
9) Demonic Devilsaurs should be implemented and be part of a Warlock's arsenal. They also remain a jaw-dropping 25 feet tall height. I do not care if they can not join me in the auction house, go wreak havoc wherever you can fit. If King Dred can chase us out to the entrance of Drak Tharon, this is completely possible. Also, of course, it wears plate.
10) Ok I am done.
Truny the Demanding
However, Truny does have some ridiculous demands that will probably never see the light of day.
1) Warlocks should wear plate armor. You give us tanking abilites in Demon form, it is obviously an -oh crap the entire party is in trouble let me tell all the mobs that "You are not prepared" and pop into my increased armor form and burn them up- mode while being able to...uh huh taunt them and cleave them. Also, there are ALREADY plate gear with caster stats..pallies don't need those duh!
2) Buffoon (my Felguard) and all Felguards should also get their own set of plate. Hello! It's a mini-warrior who can intercept! I can not recount the number of times when he saved our squishies by stunning those damned spiders in AN. It shall be a well deserved treat.
2a) Devilsaurs can wear plate. Completely unrelated but Turby the Hunter is making a ridiculous demand here that his Devilsaur Puppy can wear plate.
2b) Druids can wear plate. Only resto druids as I do not play as a bear. Sorry, selfish. We can share the pally gear!
3) Warlocks should dual-wield. Staves. Want us to not feel as frail as mages? Give us two freaking staves and we'll look like skiiers of deathbringing! Swords too, I like pretending to be a combat rogue. Pure RP demand.
4) Warlocks can summon multiple demons. Remember Hukku in Sunken Temple? (That is the right one right?). That troll is the GOD of Warlocks. I remember first fighting him as he summons...uh huh..THREE demons. HOLY F***! This troll instantly became my idol! So it will be overpowered, but the pet-management component would be THAT much more difficult.
5) Warlocks need more Shadow! Yes we know, I would prefer to have a bit more shadow-based spells. Yes rain of fire is really strong and cool but how about a shadow aoe? How about a spell like what Zalera from FFXII does? Though I would have to say incinerate is a really nice looking spell and is still on my castbar somewhere.
6) Warlocks want [Shadowbind]. What the hell is that? Well, hunters get wing clip (a skill that I wished my lowbie hunter had before getting her pet), Warlocks get [Shadowbind]. Ok what the hell is that? To prevent duplicating spells across multiple classes, what [Shadowbind] does is it tethers THE ROGUE (Ok, any class that gets too close) to the plane of shadow reducing their movement speed by 20% (yes just wait), but only allowing them to move within a 20 yard radius of where they are bound to (making Demonic Circle that much more useful).
7) Metamorphosis should be permanent. At level 90. Same with immolation aura. Never going to happen, would be thrilled if it did.
8) This can go on forever.
9) Demonic Devilsaurs should be implemented and be part of a Warlock's arsenal. They also remain a jaw-dropping 25 feet tall height. I do not care if they can not join me in the auction house, go wreak havoc wherever you can fit. If King Dred can chase us out to the entrance of Drak Tharon, this is completely possible. Also, of course, it wears plate.
10) Ok I am done.
Truny the Demanding
Truny the Warlock - Soulfire Crits
Ahh the beloved Soulfire-critical-pictures. Truny wanted one for herself so she set-out to Heroic Nexus to set this giant stone boss aflame!
This is also my record so far, hope it will get better once I find some bracers!

Stoneman go Boom!
This is also my record so far, hope it will get better once I find some bracers!

Stoneman go Boom!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Turny the Restless Tree - Turny Squishy
Squishiness. Essentially if you wear cloth, leather, or mail you are pretty squishy.
A resto druid on the other hand has increased (leather still) armor and can heal through a LOT of damage!
A resto druid also wants the nice hat that Shirrak the Dead Watcher drops.

Kansuke, the PVP-ambassador DK of Kluptomania gives the squished Turny a curious look.
...when the corpse of this giant ass friggin' Cacodemon lands on you... hurts. A lot. Say hi to my feet!
Turny the Crushed
A resto druid on the other hand has increased (leather still) armor and can heal through a LOT of damage!
A resto druid also wants the nice hat that Shirrak the Dead Watcher drops.

Kansuke, the PVP-ambassador DK of Kluptomania gives the squished Turny a curious look.
...when the corpse of this giant ass friggin' Cacodemon lands on you... hurts. A lot. Say hi to my feet!
Turny the Crushed
Truny the Warlock - Shadowburn
Is it just me or does everyone muss up the names of all our (element)(effect) spells??
Whatever, just ignore me as I was about to type Shadowflame/Soulburn/Soulburn........
So having hit 80 for about a week and a half and running about spending thousands of gold gearing up and venturing into heroics...Truny realized that her talents were WEIRD. Well not TOO weird, but there were two stray points in affliction for improved curse of agony and corruption. So having ran to Orgrimmar's pit of dark desires and respeccing (ouch a 15 gold loss!), I added [Shadowburn] to Truny's repertoire of spells.
The burst damage of this is pretty nice, though I do not have the buffs in the destruction tree this baby can still crit for about 5,000 and the juiciest part is that it is INSTANT!
Say for a normal three-mob pull.
Curse of Elements (or whatever dots).
Shadowbolt to your heart's desire.
Once the mob is low on health, gauge the battle to see if it will die within five seconds after you cast Shadowburn.
After the last Shadowbolt hits, cast Shadowburn for some nice stacking numbers.
I found that usually the mob is dead by now (and very confused), and also Decimation would have procced. With that, the second mob will be dead before the cooldown of Shadowburn so you rinse and repeat on third mob.
Long story short, it was nice to have an instant cast that does ok damage *cough* Shadowflame...
Truny the Warlock
Is it just me or does everyone muss up the names of all our (element)(effect) spells??
Whatever, just ignore me as I was about to type Shadowflame/Soulburn/Soulburn........
So having hit 80 for about a week and a half and running about spending thousands of gold gearing up and venturing into heroics...Truny realized that her talents were WEIRD. Well not TOO weird, but there were two stray points in affliction for improved curse of agony and corruption. So having ran to Orgrimmar's pit of dark desires and respeccing (ouch a 15 gold loss!), I added [Shadowburn] to Truny's repertoire of spells.
The burst damage of this is pretty nice, though I do not have the buffs in the destruction tree this baby can still crit for about 5,000 and the juiciest part is that it is INSTANT!
Say for a normal three-mob pull.
Curse of Elements (or whatever dots).
Shadowbolt to your heart's desire.
Once the mob is low on health, gauge the battle to see if it will die within five seconds after you cast Shadowburn.
After the last Shadowbolt hits, cast Shadowburn for some nice stacking numbers.
I found that usually the mob is dead by now (and very confused), and also Decimation would have procced. With that, the second mob will be dead before the cooldown of Shadowburn so you rinse and repeat on third mob.
Long story short, it was nice to have an instant cast that does ok damage *cough* Shadowflame...
Truny the Warlock
Kluptomania's New Blog
I believe Turby and the gang deserved a nicer place to live and they have moved here! To Kluptomania's Kluptomentum!
I believe Turby and the gang deserved a nicer place to live and they have moved here! To Kluptomania's Kluptomentum!
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