Thursday, October 21, 2010

Funny Search Terms: 2.0

At least I THINK this is 2.0. Here we go! Oh right so these are the google/search engine terms that get linked to Kluptomania and here are some that I found quite amusing.

1. "hunter or warlock for cataclysm"

In terms of fun-ness damage-ness, playability, pet styles? They are two different animals here. Are you a first time player, current hunter player, warlock, both? o_O

2. "what is gear score for (item) / gear score of (item)"

Why does it matter? You should be looking at the STATS and see how it compares to your CURRENT item in question??

3. "3.3.3 easypeasy "


4. "5 paladins ionar "

A daring video venture? Five paladins one ionar? Poor many hands all over you......

5 "best warlock heroic gear talents 3.3.3 "

Gear doesn't give you talents. Or skill.

6. "brown s&m mask"

Well, if you would like to see a digital animated version on an avatar, please feel free to buy WOTLK and acquire any non-raid cloth helm in Northrend. Thanks.

7. "does the shriveled heart ever drop anymore"

A question asked by millions I am sure.

8. "felguard "cleave off""

Right click it. Thanks.

9. "(dungeon) gearscore"

Dungeons don't have gearscores, the stuff that drops from them sort of do. I don't know I like to base it on ilvls. Whatever.

10. "hate rating shadowbolt"

I'm sure Shadowbolt infuses more hate than Incinerate, but less hate than Bane of Doom!

11. "i rolled a 2 for the nibelung"

We all know that feeling LMAO

12. "level 76 warlock gear score"

Why do you even care for gearscore at level 76 just play the goddamn game!

13. "pig-giant swirls squishies rare"

I don't uhh...ok?

14. "stop attacking darnavan!"

STOP attacking him he's for the QUEST that everyone picked up jeez!

15. "ultimate demonology warlock gear 3.3.5"

So dramatic!

16. "why would a priest roll on shriveled heart"

I am guessing the priest WON the roll. Cause it's one of the best offhands that is easily obtainable!

17. "woven her pants leggings"

Oh so close. Leggings of Woven Death?

Demonology 4.0.1: More Updates! Yeah I'm Slow!

Remember how I was talking about Demonology AOE, well I missed a VERY important factor to it: The Felguard's Felstorm.

Felstorm is BEAST. It has a 45 second cooldown, but what it does is it gives your Felguard a nice whirlwind attack that lasts for six seconds, striking everything around it for about 3.5-4.5k every second.

For that six seconds your Felguard will do about 80% of your entire Hellfire's damage. o_O

It is quite a sight to behold, especially when Meta is popped two crazy demons jumping into the fray destroying everything.

This sure beats standing back casting Rain of Fire, or shall I say Drizzle of Slightly Warm Embers.

I found Felstorm to be nice in single target encounters too, since it gives you an instant burst of damage, and given its 45 second cooldown you could probably only use it once per boss anyways.

In PVP Felstorm is nice, if a rogue stuns you just have your felguard start spinning like a crazy, that'll really annoy 'em! If they try to run away, use your felguard's new Axe Toss! (Requires Two Handed Axes apparently)

Other Stuff I found Changed

Yeah so rather than a comprehensive one page entry I am being lazy, slowly discovering things. That's where the fun is at right?

Soul Shatter: (Finally) reduces threat by 90%, yes NINETY not Fifty (50), to everything around you in 50 yards.


I think actually Soul Shatter was the only thing haha! Though we'll have fun with our rather reckless aoe everything to the ground style of play, once comes Cata I think we will need to rethink our game-plan. But then again warlocks don't have any CCs to help the team do we? Fear? Since when was the last time Fear did us any good? Fear and Death Coil are highly selfish CCs, you save yourself but you might have feared the mob into more mobs!

Oh well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Demonology 4.0.1: Continued!

There has been this glitchy going around where our damage and heals done to others during instances do NOT show on the screen.

That is a lie, it actually shows but your camera has to be at an obscure angle, and only then the numbers display slantedly.

This was quite frustrating for a DPS class, we need to know how much impact each spell is doing to see if its worth casting anymore, especially after so much CHANGE!

Our AOE: Spec into moving Hellfire. THIS is your new AOE if you are a Demonologist. Again, make sure you are the bestest friends with the healer, make a great big show about putting a soulstone on them or something like that!

See, I do not read tooltips. At first I was trying to use Seed of Corruption spam, which pulled in a good 15k before, but something felt odd. "Can only be applied to one target at a time". So what you COULD do is just keep casting it on one target and having it explode. This is now weak sauce as you can not "chain" the explosions, taking advantage of the time-overlap benefit of being able to cast another seed. (That made sense to me so I don't care)

Hellfire: This ticks for about 1.5k every second for 15 seconds, it doesn't hit as hard as seed of corruption which can crit for up to 5k (it seems weaker now), but it is a constant aura that you can move and control! That is nice. You also get the benefit of activating the spell INSTANTLY on demand and it ticks right away. Nice.

Hellfire + Demonform + Immolation Aura: This is gross. I have yet to test it on anything to see the destruction this can bring.

"But who cares about DPS in trash", yeah but think about in a battleground, NOW people will think twice about walking near a giant purple demon!

And you get to run and jump around like a crazy person, just like a resto druid but all while burning your enemies to crispy cinders!

Now the random babbling part:

Ok, so is it just me or is Rain of Fire completely weak and useless now? I swear it used to crit for 5k now it is only critting for 2.5k?? Since I couldn't see the damage numbers, I had to use a lot of effort to actually click on my name in recount and READ and analyse the numbers...gawd.

Is there a talent that increases its potency in the destruction tree?


Having levelled up another healer, Husbrus the Priest, she's seen her fair share of warlocks in dungeons. This was pre 4.0.1, but most everything stays the same.

It seems a lot of people are really just using their Felguard to level, but not really paying attention to the priority of their spells and how to optimize their damage while in a dungeon. If you aren't contributing 100% GTFO, this game's not about having fun its about mastering your class so you don't drag everyone behind with your stupidity.

I've seen a lot of Demonology Warlocks just sit there they'll cast their two dots then throw out shadowbolts for the entire fight.

What happened to Molten Core...or Decimation? What happened to the "OMG SEE THAT CRIT?" mentality? Is that all gone? Why WOULDN'T you want to cast a free humungo Soul Fire? Demon Form + Soulfire?

A lot of the time I'm sitting around looking pretty (I'm the healer DUH there's nothing to do really), and my warlock trained ears will hear a Molten Core proc off the warlock beside me, and I expect to see them cast three incinerates. I watch the screen (cause I am otherwise reading a book or watching the TV behind me).



I don't care if you don't care, but ...why did you spec into Molten Core to begin with if you're never going to use it? Did you just find a random build online and copy it? What's the point you might as well put your talent points into improved corruption since you cast THAT!

You know instead of doing 4.5k dps that fight you could have done 4.52K!! That extra 0.02k could have shaved off an average of 0.0000375 seconds off of the entire dungeon run!

Ok yeah bye!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Demonology Warlocks: Patch 4.0.1

Wow, so I come home and realize that the game had been downloading a FIVE gigabyte file! So they were for serious with all the changes!

What great fun is there for 4.0.1? What's new for us Demo Warlocks?

Well for one, the talent trees have been super dumbed down. We only have 31 talent points to spend! (5 after the expansion!)

But so far, things are looking good!

New Spells/Rotation/Cool Things
Hand of Gul'dan
This was the meteor that I was so excited about, however for now it only does shadow crash looking damage, and leaves a shadow aura for mobs to stand in, which increases our pets critical chance. I thought it was a fire meteor that did shadow damage not a shadow meteor? Oh well! Through the talent tree this spell refreshes our Immolate and I found it hard to get used to casting this extra weird spell and always missing the refresh. It hits hard, up to 22k!This spell is now our single strongest stand alone nuke on a 12 second cooldown. This is of course not true if you were in Decimation mode, spamming Soul Fires.

This spell gets top priority in our list of nukes. I will think of the list as I keep going.

Bane of Doom

Bane of Doom still lasts for one minute, but does a fairly hard hitting tick every 15 seconds. From what I see the tick does about 10-12k damage, and crits for well over 20k! Through our Demonology talent tree, every tick has an increased chance to summon a "Guardian", or was it "increase the damage done by the guardian"? I don't know I don't really read the text.
So far I have seen Ebon Imps spawn and they seem to last for 15 seconds, that is until the next tick of damage of the Bane.
This is nice, an extra 15 second pet, and now Bane has a higher chance of doing damage, rather than expiring before one minute has past!
Yes, talented, we can use this while we WALK! So make sure you are the very bestest friends with the healer! Try to find the most creative places to use this!
Soul Burn/Soul Harvest/Soul Shards
Instant Soulfires. The end. Soul Burn has a 45 second cooldown.
Soul Harvest: EWW, this is the same animation as Evocation, I am sure mages are crying all over as are Warlocks who first tried this spell out and saw EWW EVOCATION. Right, functionality, uhhh this spell regenerates our shards and heals us. Whatever.
Soul Shards: I finally have a free bag! Now to fill it up with random random crap!
Impending Doom
I save the best for last!
THIS is the talent that increases the chance Ebon Imps spawn out of your Bane of Dooms. Remember, Demonologists are the masters of summoning Ebon Imps out of Banes and we all know that!
The great part of this talent is that Shadow Bolt, Hand of Guldan, and Incinerate all have a 15% chance of reducing the cooldown on: METAMORPHOSIS!
Yes, rather than having a static 2.something minutes (talented) cooldown on Metamorphosis, after pew pewing for a while you will see that your Demon Form has refreshed and ready for use!
I actually didn't notice yesterday when I did a test run on one dungeon. The timing of when Meta is up was pretty ingrained into my Warlocky Patterns but after the first boss fight I looked down to see Metamorphosis was ready again...I thought to myself "wait didn't I just use it in battle? Or did I forget? No way!"
Try it out on a target dummy, turn into a demon then go through your attacks and you'll see the cooldown decrease!
Ok Now What
So with all the new changes we would assume our priority rotation is as follows:
Curse of Elements>Bane of Doom>Immolate>Corruption>Hand of Gul'Dan>Shadowbolt until Hand of Gul'dan's cooldown is up, and wait for Molten Core procs. Prioritize Hand of Gul'dan (damn this spell is too long to type I quit) and cast it everytime it is ready even if you have to stand around for 0.5 seconds waiting for it else you have to recast Immolate anyways!
Hey Look a Video
Yes, as it says I was testing all this new crap out and I thought it was PRETTY AWESOME that we can have multiple pets up, even though it is short lived.
Here Blagroon the Felguard is joined by an Ebon Imp, the new Doomguard (insta cast, lasts for over a minute talented and ten minute cooldown), and a Nibelun Angel of Smiting Goodness! Roooar need more minions!!


I don't know why my text WON'T CHANGE styles this blogger crap sucks!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wait what? What patch?

Apparently patch 4.0.1 is being implemented right as I type this, and you know what? I'm not as excited as say....patch 3.3.3, or whatever that other big change patch was.

So we get to use all the new talent trees that we got to preview earlier?

Annoying. I have eight toons all with dual spec except for my Mage and Shaman (which I am having a very hard time levelling to 30). So to figure ALL those trees out, /ragequit

Chill of the Throne Removed?

What? Why? It's not like our 85K hp tanks were having any troubles?


Cool. But sounds annoying. I want haste.


Turby doesn't need to waste bag space carrying ammo. Yes.
Time to go pet hunter, TWENTY pets! You already know what I'm going to do: Collect and name all twenty pets PUPPY. I think I still have a dinosaur called Nejibana, or maybe I abandoned him =(
Focus: Good. I hate mana that's un-lifetappable.

Death Knights

I refuse to tank in blood presence! It's so...RED. I think I'll make my tanking tree a DPS unholy tree now.


What's Eclipse?


Teleport? I'm seriously too lazy to find the reagant master on my mage. She only has normal mount which is SO slow I just leave her in place and log out.


Resource bar? Holy Meter? Ok.


New spell fly-out thingy. Good, saves me slots on my action bar to put my non combat pets LMAO
Soul Shards are officially gone. Finally. Extra bag!

That's about it. I still don't think I like how gear is being itemized in Cataclysm. It reminds me of all the USELESS green items we find +99 STR. +77 SPIRIT.

Is it really making things simpler? Is our current system really that complicated?

Say you found a staff that gives:

+105 INT
+150 STAM

+105 HASTE
+100 CRIT

Three Sockets

Just from looking at the stats you know that the INT is going to add to your mana pool, increase your crit by a little bit.

The STAM will add stamina. DUH.

The Spirit will increase your mana regen but also 40% of it will go into your spellpower.

The additional stats are pretty obvious.

Why do we need to condense all this in Cataclysm to:

+650 INT

Isn't that even more confusing and vague? What does this INT stat comprise itself of? It's a neat little package but its less transparent, see what I'm saying?

So in the future, the higher the INT and Mastery the better? Isn't that a bit boring?

Oh I have another question: Are all the gear in Cataclysm going to be BROWN (or varying shades of it), just like when we were levelling the first 10 levels and first three tiers of Northrend?

However, I did see some spoiler footage of Cata dungeon runs and they do look satisfyingly difficult, rather un-face-rollable, and requires everyone know how to manage their class....even on trash mobs! Though in that video the mage had 75K HP so....hmm......

Are there going to be SM Masks? Rusty swords? Are those days over?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Brewfest Over: "Quitting" Again

Not that anyone cares that I am "quitting" again, nor should Blizzard care that I am "quitting", they still have million and millions of subscribers and ALSO, when I don't play I just don't play it's not as if I took the effort to go ALL the way into my account settings and took the effort to click "Unsubscribe", remember, I'm too lazy for that.

Now that Brewfest is over, again I find there is absolutely no point in logging into any of my level 80s. The daily 20 minutes of kthxbaicorenlols is no more. Not until next year. I want that RAM. Who doesn't want to ride on a freakin 'ram that BAA's? OMG! So of the 10 or so days, over 4 toons a day so 40 times getting that Keg thingamajigger I have received:

1. Countless frost badges. Extra good because it took about 15 seconds of effort.
2. Three Tankard of Terrors. Whatever.
3. Four Direbrew Remotes. Truny has two.
4. A Kodo, which Turny ALREADY had. What a waste throwing it away.

No RAM! But that's ok, my alliance hunter has a Ram mount. As long as its there.

So about these Frost Badges and Restoration Druiding.

Why? The two piece bonus is nice, wild growth heals more always. But the four piece...meh, why would I want rejuv to randomly jump to someone, when if I saw them take damage I would cast rejuv on them ANYWAYS?

Sure it'd be really nice to know that someone had it, but even so, most of our natural reflex is to hit rejuv FIRST then swiftmend. Unless this is intended for druids to play at an even higher level! In that case, make the Rejuv jump more often. Laame and fat!

I've hoarded enough Frost Badges for the T10, either Restoration or Bear for Turny but at this point I don't feel its needed.

Anyways, I'll be back bitching and complaining and rejoicing over random stupid stuff for Hallow's End I guess.


Truny's Warlock Tips: Festergut

Let's continue with the Plagueworks shall we?

There is a whole preamble of trash that your party can have fun facerolling through, including two dogs, Precious and Fluffy? I seriously don't remember or care.

Festergut aka Festerloots is on the left side of the hallway which allows you to either engage him or Rotface. Once both of them are dead you may go and murder Professor Putricide.

What does he do??: Essentially, the battlefield is covered in gas which does damage overtime based on the density of the gas. This fight is mainly a cycle of high raid damage and low tank damage, to high tank damage (healers be on your toes), to low low raid damage. Wait say what? Density? Well, Festerloots will inhale 25% of the gas, up to three times. Each time he inhales the gas it will do less damage to the raid. But makes him hit the tank harder.

So what? Nothing really, use your Shadow Ward warlocks! The gas does shadow damage!

Spread out 8 yards please. He will also make random ranged people PUKE, incapacitating them for 6 seconds and doing damage to them. You can't do anything about it. But SPREAD OUT because anyone else hit by the puke will also become incapacitated and puke, and this cause a raid wipe if someone gets too close to the tank.

After he has absorbed all the gas, he will then expunge it all doing enormous damage to the entire raid something like a billion damage. Use your shadow ward here.

Wait what a billion? Well no, but it's a lot. And here is where the next key element of this fight comes in.

Spores spawn on random party members. DBM will helpfully mark spored peoples. What these spores do is that after a certain duration of time, they will EXPLODE and (de)buff anyone caught in the explosion with a shadow resistance buff, which stacks 3 times.

WARLOCKS: When you enter the room, drop your Green Teleporty Fun Thing. This will be the gather point for ranged people. So while everyone is doing their thing, when the spores spawn, you can instantly teleport to the gathering point to get the shadow buff and continue pew pewing.

Be aware, one person with the spore should be in to cover the ranged asses, and another should run into melee if it doesn't spawn in melee.

The cycle repeats after three spores have spawned, hopefully everyone has three stacks. Then he'll do his giant gas release, but don't worry cause the shadow buff will save you. Use your Shadow Ward again, you'll probably take 0 damage.

Metamorphosis: You should be able to use this cooldown right at the beginning of the fight, and once again when he's in Decimation mode depending on raid DPS. If not, save it for the latter half to beat his enrage!

TL;DR: Cause I sure as hell didn't read all that.

1. Use your Demonic Circle as the ranged meeting point for spores. This saves YOU time. And if YOU have the spore you can just teleport and make the OTHER person go into melee.

2. Use Shadow Ward. Every cooldown you see, just do it!

3. Spread out!

Now What: Ok go loot him, thanks.

Truny the Warlock