Tuesday, May 13, 2014

No Competition

Hi Reader,

Still subscribed? Pah!

So one thing I like about super rare tedious devious excruciating low drop rate mounts is that you generally face no competition for them once they go out of style and are farmable.

Looks like this week was a good week for me in terms of "outstanding things to do", after not giving a flying monkey's butt for the game, come back and farm some dungeons and land two "rare" mounts! Not bad at all!

Though its quite seizure invoking!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Like Glass

Hello Reader,

I'll admit, I've been on Elder Scrolls Online for the majority of my available online time. The world is just so vast and immersive, the quests are not redundant and I am self sufficient in my crafting!

Anyways, this is about WoW. What's like glass?

Well after two years of on and off farming:

Yes, the stupid Vitreous Stone Drake out of stupid Stonecore! Now I've only ever seen this mount drop once EVER, which was when I was leveling up an alt in the regular instance and the (of course) worst performing rogue won it (always).

With this drake down, there's only the one left in Vortex Pinnacle and the RIDICULOUS spawn-rate ones such as Time-Lost and Aeonaxx, though I regret not having searched harder before the merger of the servers, cause now there's just too many people!?!?

Anyways! Bye!