Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Hallowed!

Oh hai! Wow it's been ...TWO weeks since my last post jeez what's going on? Well, no one cares!

Hmm so when the Hallow's End events were running this is essentially what I was doing:

First few days: Doing all the necessary achievements to become "The Hallowed", which meant trading or buying getting wanded in town. Done done and done! The only thing missing for a LONG time was getting a Toothpick to drop in the trick or treat bags and since I only had time to trick or treat once a day (damn you one HOUR cooldown!), this was about a week in until it was completed.

But wait, there is another cool item that drops from this event: The QQ Horse! So we begin.

Next few days:

Log in:

Truny, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turny, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turby, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Klupty, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Husbrus, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.

This took all but 20 minutes MAX. No horses, eff you. Try again tomorrow.

A few days later.

Truny, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turny, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turby, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Klupty, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Husbrus, queue for Horseman. Trick or Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.

Klupty got the Horseman's Reins, good don't have to play my stupid DK anymore. Dropped onthe wrong toon, eff you. Continue.

Next day:

Truny, queue for Horseman. Trick of Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turny, queue for Horseman. Trick of Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Turby, queue for Horseman. Trick of Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.
Husbrus, queue for Horseman. Trick of Treat. Kill Horseman in 15 seconds. Open bag. Log off.

Truny got the Horseman's Reins, excellent my main and collector got the mount. Don't have to play all my other dumb alts anymore or my Warlock until the Harvest Festival or whatever the hell they call it!

Essentially there is no meaning to playing since WoW is so focused on end-game, so what we are all 80. But with all the pre-Cataclysm changes, our characters are effectively an entire Legacy ahead of the current World. Bosses dying in FIVE seconds, HEALERs tanking and pulling. And the WORST part: Dual speccing only costs 100 gold. WHY? It's not special and expensive anymore! If anything it should cost DOUBLE since all our classes are so strong now. Penance, Thunderstorm, FELGUARD...all at level 10? Oh man! Though for new players this should put some oomph into the 1-79 boredom. Though most players would be jaded into thinking their characters are super strong, such as a level 20 warlock solo'ing RFK without breaking a sweat. Just wait till Cataclysm hits, trash mobs in RFK will have 30,000 HP.

Training Dummies. Yes even my video was at a training dummy cause I couldn't get any live action because at this point in the game, any spell that takes longer than 1.3 seconds to cast effectively is useless as most things are dead. Trying to actually SEE a full priorities rotation? Good luck, you'll need Arthas for that.

Maybe I should get into Icecrown again, I heard they removed the DODGE DEBUFF? Say what? Why? I still feel bad for having burnt out by Sindragosa as "the aaassy winds of noohthrend will consyuuume our souls!", no Defile stories for Truny.

Ok what was I talking about again? Oh well


1 comment:

  1. The dodge debuff was to counter the fact that tanks could stack avoidance and essentially negate encounters -- it was a pasted-in fix because they couldn't just change the class mechanics on the spot. Come the 4.0 tree changes...they have made that change! So the fake dodge nerf wasn't needed any longer.
