Friday, April 15, 2011

Boy Saves Sister From Moose Using WOW Skills

    I remember hearing about this story a good while ago and thought "ok good, he applied what he learned that was effective in game to real life". But, how unrealistic is this? It says in the story that he "taunted" the moose off his sister (the healer probably), then ...he feigned death? Wait a minute. Hunters can't taunt. We have distracting shot, but he didn't shoot the moose, and it lasts for six seconds and after that the moose should have continued to aggro his sister. It is said his sister ran away after he taunted the moose, which puts her out of the aggro table. Where was his pet? If he had a tenacity pet he could have used the pet to taunt the moose, but then if he had a pet the pet could probably tank the moose!
    Now my real question is: When he feigned death did he do the race appropriate death sound as well? But good job on playing dead, works great on bears too.

1 comment:

  1. in the real world moose topically will turn to the one that is posing the highest actually threat if the sister was just running away and the boy was causing noise and trying to get it's attention 80% of the time the moose will go for the one doing things to piss it off as far as getting the moose attention to allow his sister time to escape yes plausible playing dead is also plausible as for the story who knows but the situation is 100% plausible
